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ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80%

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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyLun 21 Mar - 5:57

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Taylor n'est pas le mec à mettre de la couleur sur son corps et encore pour percé sa peau. il préfère garder son argent pour quelque chose d'important plutôt que de dépensé cela pour une niaiserie qui dure pas longtemps. Des cicatrices...il doit en avoir deux ou trois mais la plus part dans le dos car il ne se battait pas vraiment à l'école c'était plus les autres qui le frappaient.
Orientation Sexuelle
Taylor est bisexuel. Oui il aime autant les mec que les filles alors il ne sait pas encore quel est sa préférence puisque lorsqu'il est avec une fille il se sent plus hétéro et avec un mec homosexuel.

Taylor William Thompson

Physique & Caractère
Apparence & Style: À quoi ressemble Taylor...et bien il a les cheveux brun et court comme vous pouvez le voir. Il a les yeux bleus, attention il n’est pas dragueur alors ne vous trompé pas. Il est très musclé mais rien a voir avec les culturiste quand même il fait du sport pour resté en forme comme marcher ou courir dans le Central Park tous les matins avant d’aller jouer de la musique. Il mesure environ un mètre soixante-quinze, il est de taille assez moyenne. Maintenant se qu’il porte. il aime bien ce qui est décontracté, il est pas compliqué, jean avec un t-shirt et des fois une veste mais très rarement. Il ne va magasiner que lorsqu’il en a de besoin. En faite il pourrait porter simplement un short et il serait beau comme un cœur simplement à cause de son physique qui fait craquer les gens du sexe féminin.

Caractère: Veuillez écrire à la place de ce texte 10 lignes à propos du caractère de votre personnage, parlez également de ses défauts et de ses qualités.

Veuillez écrire à la place de ce texte 15 lignes à propos de l'histoire de votre personnage.

Behind the computer

Prénom: Viper
Âge : 19
Avatar choisi : Zac Efron
Comment as-tu connu ce forum ? : Bazzart
Ton avis (design, contexte, ...) : Je dois dire que j'adore vraiment tout le forum
Présence sur le forum : 4 à 5/7
Autre(s) compte(s) : nop
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyLun 21 Mar - 10:20

Bienvenue ici I love you bounce
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyLun 21 Mar - 10:20

Bienvenue & Bonne chance pour ta fiche ♥
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Mackenzie J. Howard
Mackenzie J. Howard
Empire State of Mind
i love the ring of your name
you're the yin to my yang
i love the ring of your name you're the yin to my yang
▌INSCRIT LE : 01/07/2010
▌MESSAGES : 20301
▌ADRESSE : 6812 Beverley Road #104, Brooklyn. avec l'amour de sa vie.
▌CÉLÉBRITÉ : Hilary Duff.
▌SMALL IDENTITY PHOTO : ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Tumblr_nepbwuoEmy1qf2qm9o1_250

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyLun 21 Mar - 15:42

Bienvenue ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% 57717
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyLun 21 Mar - 15:49

Bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche I love you
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyLun 21 Mar - 16:12

Bienvenue sur le forum Smile
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyLun 21 Mar - 16:33

Bienvenue bounce
Ton code du règlement est faux, je t'invite donc à le relire (:
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyLun 21 Mar - 17:25

This is a boss Zefron poster.

Bienvenue (:
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyLun 21 Mar - 18:52

merci à vous tous je le termine se soir
et pour le code je vais relire tout de suite disons que j'était un peu fatigué et c,était le seul que j'avait trouvé
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyLun 21 Mar - 19:05

Bienvenue Wink et bonne chance pour la suite de ta fiche ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% 682346
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyLun 21 Mar - 21:36

Bienvenue parmi nous && bonne continuation I love you
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyLun 21 Mar - 21:47

Bienvenue I love you
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyMar 22 Mar - 2:11

merci à vous
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyMar 22 Mar - 5:07

Welcomee :walrus:
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyMer 23 Mar - 19:08

Un second Taylor, plus avance que l'autre qui n'a toujours pas donné de nouvelles. Wink
Sinon, bienvenu et bonne chance pour ta fiche. I love you
Zac ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% 61499
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyMer 23 Mar - 21:36

Bienvenue mec Cool
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyJeu 24 Mar - 1:51

Bienvenuuu Smile bounce
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyVen 25 Mar - 18:01

    welcome ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% 933881
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyDim 27 Mar - 12:40

      bienvenue sur le forum.
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptyDim 27 Mar - 14:12

bienvenue Very Happy
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptySam 2 Avr - 18:06

Zacccc ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% 716439

Bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche.
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% EmptySam 9 Avr - 14:09

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Merci et désolé pour la gêne occasionnée.
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Empire State of Mind

ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80% Empty

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ZEFRON ☜♥☞ Beauty has a face but it never says that! 80%

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