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jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.)

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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyDim 10 Fév - 21:16

Jeremiah August Homens

28 ans → Né à Londres le 12/07/1984 → acteur.
célibataire → hétérosexuel → membre des populars.

And who am i ?

★Quelles sont tes caractéristiques?
→ Jeremiah a toujours fait particulièrement attention à son physique. Ses vêtements sont toujours choisis avec soin, ses cheveux sont toujours élégamment ébouriffés et tout est parfaitement calculé. Cela dit, il n'en est pas non plus maniaque. → Il ne sort jamais sans s'être aspergé de parfum. → Certains magazines l'ont accusé d'avoir eu recours à la chirurgie esthétique, notamment sur son nez. Ce n'est pas faux, mais la vérité, c'est qu'il y était obligé, après une chute de vélo, qui a bien abîmé son nez. → Il n'a jamais manqué de rien, mais n'est absolument pas matérialiste, ni superficiel. → Il adore manger japonais, mais il est allergique au saumon. Cela ne l'empêche pas de se laisser parfois aller. → Il fait du jogging tous les matins. → Il pratique également le basketball et le tennis. → Plus jeune, il prenait des cours de piano. A présent, il en joue, mais c'est beaucoup moins régulier. → Il a dû apprendre à chanter pour une pièce de théâtre, mais il n'est définitivement pas le plus doué. → Il ne sait pas danser. → Il ne se prend jamais réellement au sérieux avec ses fans, sachant très bien que cela aide beaucoup à se faire apprécier. → Cela dit, lorsqu'on l'observe de loin, il peut donner une image très fermé, assez sévère.

★Quel est le caractère de ton personnage?
→ Quand on observe pour la première fois Jeremiah, on rencontre un homme au regard froid, assez distant. (ec)

my little secret

★Ton prénom ou ton pseudo & ton age → écrire ici.
★Comment es-tu arrivé(e) ici ? → bazzart.
★Ce personnage est-il un double compte ? → non m'sieur.
★Présence sur le forum → le plus possible, entre quatre à cinq fois par semaine.
★Personnage inventé ou scénario ? → scénario. I love you
★Crédit images → (avatar) ladyfame & (icons) livejournal.

Mon exemple de RolePlay:
Le code règlement:

Dernière édition par Jeremiah A. Homens le Dim 17 Fév - 3:41, édité 4 fois
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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyDim 10 Fév - 21:16

Well... It's my story...

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Tumblr_m77jjtK0UU1qfg9xxo5_250 jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Tumblr_m77jjtK0UU1qfg9xxo6_250

Veuillez écrire ici l'histoire de votre personnage. 30 Lignes minimum.

Dernière édition par Jeremiah A. Homens le Sam 16 Fév - 17:10, édité 2 fois
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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyDim 10 Fév - 21:18

Miam Miam? :brigitte:

Merci encore de tenter mon scénario!!! Si tu as des questions, n'hésites pas jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 57717

Et bienvenue officiellement parmi nous jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 716439

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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyDim 10 Fév - 21:25

    Bienvenue parmi nous & dans ton nouveau chez-toi jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 57717
    Bon courage pour ta fiche ! Wink Le prénom jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 4027145007
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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyDim 10 Fév - 21:47

Excellent choix de scénario. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 4027145007 Et Jamie. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 500091611
Bienvenue parmi nous. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 14619
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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyDim 10 Fév - 21:52

Bienvenue parmi nous bounce
Bon courage pour ta fiche jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 2176505670
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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyDim 10 Fév - 21:53

Bienvenue sur le forum! ♥
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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyDim 10 Fév - 21:56

Ailynn L.N. Burberry a écrit:
Miam Miam? :brigitte:

Merci encore de tenter mon scénario!!! Si tu as des questions, n'hésites pas jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 57717

Et bienvenue officiellement parmi nous jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 716439

Miam miam, c'est un crime d'avoir des meilleures amies aussi belles. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 294494 Meerci beaucoup à toi, le scénario était trop tentant. I love you Je n'hésiterais pas pour le harcèlement en cas de problèmes, c'est promis, meeerci. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 57717

Lorella A. Garibaldi a écrit:
    Bienvenue parmi nous & dans ton nouveau chez-toi jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 57717
    Bon courage pour ta fiche ! Wink Le prénom jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 4027145007

Merci Lorella. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 3014

Heaven L. Tennessee a écrit:
Excellent choix de scénario. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 4027145007 Et Jamie. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 500091611
Bienvenue parmi nous. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 14619

Leven Rambin n'est pas mal non plus. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 1451074250 Meerci beaucoup jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 57717

Dylan L. James-Cooper a écrit:
Bienvenue parmi nous bounce
Bon courage pour ta fiche jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 2176505670

Claes J. Blømkvist a écrit:
Bienvenue sur le forum! ♥

Meeerci vous deux. I love you
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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyDim 10 Fév - 22:51

Jamie jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 716439

bienvenue parmi nous Very Happy
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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyDim 10 Fév - 22:53

dornan jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 2496382268
bienvenue ici & bon courage pour ta fiche I love you
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyDim 10 Fév - 22:55

Jamie jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 356278 bienvenue parmi nous jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 57717
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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyDim 10 Fév - 23:10

in my youngblood jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 657275 jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 716439

Jamie Dornan jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 57717 jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 80543
Bienvenue & bon courage jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 1640180530
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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyDim 10 Fév - 23:33

Welcome Cool
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Tulisa A. Errington
Tulisa A. Errington
Empire State of Mind
once, twice, three times a lady
∞ once, twice, three times a lady
▌INSCRIT LE : 09/01/2013
▌MESSAGES : 11668
▌ADRESSE : 1556 Ocean Parkway #402, Brooklyn avec baby Raphaël <3
▌CÉLÉBRITÉ : Sophia Anna Bush
▌SMALL IDENTITY PHOTO : jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) MT6Z29B

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyLun 11 Fév - 0:21

Dornan jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 4027145007
Bienvenue I love you
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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyLun 11 Fév - 0:33

Jamie + le scénario. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 356278
Bienvenue sur le forum et bonne chance pour ta fiche. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 14619
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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyLun 11 Fév - 0:40

Je viens avec mon DC pour te dire qu'on va avoir un lien négativement excitant. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 432958 Hâte de lire ta fiche. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 93598
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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyLun 11 Fév - 1:44

Kristopher E. McCormac a écrit:
Jamie jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 716439

bienvenue parmi nous Very Happy

Meeerci m'sieur ! I love you

Serena L. Douglas a écrit:
dornan jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 2496382268
bienvenue ici & bon courage pour ta fiche I love you

Dobreva, so sexy jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 294494 Meerci ! I love you

Thea G. Evensen a écrit:
Jamie jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 356278 bienvenue parmi nous jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 57717

Meerci ! I love you

Éden W.O. Whitfield a écrit:
in my youngblood jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 657275 jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 716439

Jamie Dornan jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 57717 jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 80543
Bienvenue & bon courage jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 1640180530

Tu gagnes des points en ayant reconnu la chanson jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 370479 Meerci beaucoup jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 3014

Loukas W. Jefferson a écrit:
Welcome Cool

Tulisa A. Errington a écrit:
Dornan jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 4027145007
Bienvenue I love you

Meerci vous deux. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 57717

Hope A. Roseberry a écrit:
Jamie + le scénario. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 356278
Bienvenue sur le forum et bonne chance pour ta fiche. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 14619

Maxence D. S. Jenkins a écrit:
Je viens avec mon DC pour te dire qu'on va avoir un lien négativement excitant. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 432958 Hâte de lire ta fiche. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 93598

Aoooon avec Naaaath jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 1581588910 jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 1581588910 J'ai hâte d'en savoir plus. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 294494 Avoir un lien négatif avec Jeremiah, bad idea jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 78208 Arrow
Meeerci ! I love you
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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyLun 11 Fév - 13:59

Jamie jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 1451074250
Bienvenue & bonne chance pour ta fiche jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 57717 réserve moi un lien (a)
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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyLun 11 Fév - 20:22

Bienvenue parmi nous jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 57717
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Mackenzie J. Howard
Mackenzie J. Howard
Empire State of Mind
i love the ring of your name
you're the yin to my yang
i love the ring of your name you're the yin to my yang
▌INSCRIT LE : 01/07/2010
▌MESSAGES : 20301
▌ADRESSE : 6812 Beverley Road #104, Brooklyn. avec l'amour de sa vie.
▌CÉLÉBRITÉ : Hilary Duff.
▌SMALL IDENTITY PHOTO : jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Tumblr_nepbwuoEmy1qf2qm9o1_250

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyLun 11 Fév - 20:59

#Cheyennemood jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 928884 jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 294494 I love you Bienvenue chez nous plus officiellement ! Mille MERCI de tenter le scénario ! Ma boite à mp est graaaaaaande ouverte également jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 57717
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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyLun 11 Fév - 22:55

Jeremiah A. Homens a écrit:
Aoooon avec Naaaath jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 1581588910 jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 1581588910 J'ai hâte d'en savoir plus. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 294494 Avoir un lien négatif avec Jeremiah, bad idea jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 78208 Arrow
Meeerci ! I love you
I know, il est bow. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 432958 T'en fais pas, ce sera pas négatif à vie. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 294494 Dès que tu seras validé, on verra cela ensemble. jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 917579
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyLun 11 Fév - 23:39

Je te souhaite la bienvenue sur le forum jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 2176505670
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyMar 12 Fév - 19:35

excellent choix de scénario jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 855648211 et j. dornan :brigitte:
bienvenuue parmi nous jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 1451074250
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyMer 13 Fév - 0:37

JAIMIE !!!! jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) 716439

Bienvenue Very Happy
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Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) EmptyDim 17 Fév - 13:29

En vue de la date à laquelle tu as posté ta fiche, tu as donc une semaine pour la terminer avant que ton compte ne soit supprimé. Tu es un membre en danger.
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Contenu sponsorisé
Empire State of Mind

jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.) Empty

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jeremiah. + let's get out tonight, you've got the fire, i've got the fight. (ec.)

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