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matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward.

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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 10:59

matthew, james crawley

28 ans → Né(e) à Highclere, Royaume-Uni le 20/07/1985 → Photographe
célibataire → hétérosexuel → membre des Artists.

And who am i ?

★Quelles sont tes caractéristiques?
→ Matthew est le fils unique de Lord Carnavon, un aristocrate anglais, brillant avocat et membre de la Chambre des Lords. Eduqué en conséquence, il a tout d'un parfait gentleman. → Il déteste les tatouages et les piercings, du moins s'ils sont trop voyants ou en trop grand nombre ; il a eu beau sortir du moule familial, tout ne peut pas être effacé. → Une longue balafre barre son côté gauche, trace d'une mésaventure survenue pendant des vacances aux Philippines → Adore cuisiner  → pratiquait l'équitation mais ça fait longtemps qu'il n'a plus approché de cheval et ça lui manque un peu de temps à autres → Son accent anglais est plutôt prononcé mais il sait le masquer quand il veut se fondre dans la masse. Pourtant, il sait que c'est un atout "charme" même s'il ne voit pas vraiment ce que ça peut avoir de si sexy. → uc

★Quel est le caractère de ton personnage?
→ Veuillez décrire ici le caractère de votre personnage. 15 Lignes minimum. Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

Well... It's my story...

Veuillez écrire ici l'histoire de votre personnage. 30 Lignes minimum.

my little secret

★Ton prénom ou ton pseudo & ton age → Em / 23 ans
★Comment es-tu arrivé(e) ici ? → Grâce à Facebook.
★Ce personnage est-il un double compte ? → Non
★Présence sur le forum → 4-5/7
★Personnage inventé ou scénario ? → Scénario
★Crédit images → © henrycavilledits + tumblr (image pres) & © ohjustrippingmyclothesoffnow + tumblr (gif profil)

Mon exemple de RolePlay:

Dernière édition par Matthew Crawley le Jeu 5 Sep - 19:50, édité 7 fois
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 11:01

Un énorme bienvenue de ma part I love you (désolé je suis pas sous Addison mais je suis sur mon téléphone matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 57717 )

Si tu as la moindre question hésite pas matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 4133869495

Merci encore de tenter mon scénario matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 2176505670 matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 2176505670
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 11:02

T'en fais pas, y'a pas de souci, ça m'arrive fréquemment d'être sur mon tel aussi. Merci pour ton accueil & j'espère être à la hauteur de tes attentes. I love you je te mpotterais sans doute ce soir matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 4280249731 
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 11:09

Bienvenue parmi nous et bonne chance pour ta fiche matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 57717 
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 11:20

    Bienvenue parmi nous matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 57717
    Bon courage pour ta fiche matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 14619
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 11:34

Bienvenue parmi nous ! I love you 
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 11:40

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Tulisa A. Errington
Tulisa A. Errington
Empire State of Mind
once, twice, three times a lady
∞ once, twice, three times a lady
▌INSCRIT LE : 09/01/2013
▌MESSAGES : 11668
▌ADRESSE : 1556 Ocean Parkway #402, Brooklyn avec baby Raphaël <3
▌CÉLÉBRITÉ : Sophia Anna Bush
▌SMALL IDENTITY PHOTO : matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. MT6Z29B

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 11:42

Bienvenue matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 57717
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 11:43

WELCOME !!! je te souhaite la bienvenue parmi nous! matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 886471 
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 11:53

Bienvenue Very Happy matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 813673 matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 162624 
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 11:56

Owh quel accueil de si bon matin matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 370479 
Merci tout le monde !
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 12:09

Bienvenue parmi nous I love you
Bon courage pour ta fiche matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 2176505670
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 12:17

Bienvenue (a)
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 12:28

Cavill matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 4027145007

Bienvenue parmi nous matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 57717
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Sebastian E. Black
Sebastian E. Black
Empire State of Mind
a lion still has claws.
a lion still has claws.
▌INSCRIT LE : 13/04/2013
▌MESSAGES : 3652
▌ADRESSE : 2515 lexington avenue, #202, manhattan, avec le boyfriend.
▌CÉLÉBRITÉ : robert downey jr.
▌SMALL IDENTITY PHOTO : matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Tumblr_lpxlgk06gv1qi0wwwo1_500

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 12:29

Bienvenue parmi nous I love you
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 13:42

Bienvenue sur le forum matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 1451074250
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 16:30

Bienvenue parmi nous I love you
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 17:26

Excellent choix. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 57717
Bienvenue sur le forum et bonne chance pour ta fiche. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 1451074250
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 17:46

Bienvenue Smile
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 18:03

Merci tout le monde I love you matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 716439 
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 18:11

Bienvenue cher homonyme ! Très bon choix d'avatar !! (à croire que les Matthew sont faits pour être sexys !) Rolling Eyes 
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 18:24

OMG, Bradley matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 356278 au fait, je vois qu'ils sont tous les deux anglais, si je me trompe pas ?! Va falloir qu'on se trouve un lien (aa)
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Mackenzie J. Howard
Mackenzie J. Howard
Empire State of Mind
i love the ring of your name
you're the yin to my yang
i love the ring of your name you're the yin to my yang
▌INSCRIT LE : 01/07/2010
▌MESSAGES : 20301
▌ADRESSE : 6812 Beverley Road #104, Brooklyn. avec l'amour de sa vie.
▌CÉLÉBRITÉ : Hilary Duff.
▌SMALL IDENTITY PHOTO : matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Tumblr_nepbwuoEmy1qf2qm9o1_250

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 18:48

Bienvenue chez nous matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 4027145007
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 18:49

Oui, mon Matt est né à Londres Smile donc pour le lien, c'est avec plaisir ! matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 57717 
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Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. EmptyMer 4 Sep - 18:51

Aw trop bon Matty matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. 4280249731 
Merci Mackenzie I love you 
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Contenu sponsorisé
Empire State of Mind

matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward. Empty

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matthew ✦ until you trust, you can't move forward.

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