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she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih)

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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyJeu 10 Juil - 20:24

âge → 21 ans.
Née à→ Nikaia-Agios Ioannis Rentis, Grèce.
le → 01/03/1993.
Métiers → ici
Études → ici
Statut → Célibataire.
Orientation → Hétérosexuelle.
Groupe → ici
Quelles sont tes caractéristiques ?
she loved mysteries so much that she became one. elle ne supporte pas les surnoms débiles. ridley lui fait penser à un prénom de chien. elle se dit bohémienne de par son passé. son sac à main est un vrai bordel mais elle retrouve toujours tout en moins d'une minute top chrono. elle jure comme qu'en français. elle a un tatouage sous le sein droit : le signe de l'infini mais personne n'est au courant de celui-ci. elle ne fume pas, ne boit pas, ne se drogue pas. mais tout son entourage pense le contraire. elle préfère la pluie à la chaleur. elle aime se battre, elle est cherche souvent les embrouilles. elle a fait plusieurs sports : natation, équitation, tennis, football, rugby, boxe, judo. mais la boxe et le judo sont ses préférés. elle a plusieurs cicatrices visibles et impressionnantes sur le corps dont elle tait les significations. elle a toujours des bonbons sur elle. elle a peur du noir et ne supporte pas être seule dans un espace réduit. elle ne supporte pas quand on la prend pour une gamine parce qu'elle a un visage d'enfant. elle n'aime pas travailler. elle est accro aux séries télévisés en tout genre. séries américaines, australiennes, les telenovelas et drama coréens, tout y passer avec elle. elle court souvent très tôt le matin pour essayer d'évacuer le trop plein d'énergie en elle avant la journée. elle se touche souvent les cheveux. elle est très tactile. elle écoute la musique au maximun quand elle a son casque. elle ne chante que sous la douche. (elle a la voix d'ariana grande quand elle chante.) elle est très timide quand il s'agit d'approcher un garçon si ce n'est pas pour lui taper dessus. elle ne tient pas l'alcool et se met à délirer sérieux quand elle en boit. elle est toujours vierge et n'est jamais tombée amoureuse. même si elle déteste l'école, son QI est largement élevée par rapport à la moyenne. elle est la fille adoptive de richard hathaway. elle mange tout et n'importe quoi, à n'importe quelle heure. elle est souvent insomniaque.

Quel est le caractère de ton personnage ?
you terrorized the Big Apple
elle est : chiante, mystérieuse, brutale, (trop) franche, vulgaire, bagarreuse, sociable, fêtarde.

Ton prénom ou ton pseudo & ton âge  → kassandra, broken angel, 21 ans.
Comment es-tu arrivée ici ? → qui ne connait pas nycl ?
Ce personnage est-il un double compte ? → non, unique.
Présence sur le forum → un peu tout les jours.
Personnage inventé ou scénario ? → inventé.
Crédit images → avatar par freckles sloth + maia2mitchell.tumblr.

Mon exemple de RolePlay:

Dernière édition par Ridley Ioànnis-Hathaway le Lun 14 Juil - 6:39, édité 3 fois
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyJeu 10 Juil - 20:25

Well... It's my story !
and as charming as sad as it is, plays !
it does not begin with once upon a time

quelques informations en vrac sur la vie de ridley ioànnis-hathaway. elle est de ses personnes qui n'ont pas la prétention de porter des pseudonymes a rallonge. elle porte deux prénoms : ridley cassiane. ridley est le prénom que son père adoptif lui a donné quand il signé les papiers à l’insu de sa femme. cassiane est le seul héritage que sa mère biologique lui a donné avant de disparaître.

~ .trouver une phrase a mettre ici, chanson check. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world.

~ .trouver une petite phrase, chanson check.  she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world.

~ .trouver une petite phrase à mettre ici, chanson check.  she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is.

❝ she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. ❞

~ .trouver une phrase a mettre ici, chanson check.  she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is.

~ .trouver une petite phrase a mettre ici, chanson check. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is.

~ .trouver une petite phrase a mettre ici, chanson check.  she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is.

~ .trouver une phrase à mettre ici, chanson check.  she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is.

Dernière édition par Ridley Ioànnis-Hathaway le Ven 11 Juil - 18:39, édité 14 fois
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyJeu 10 Juil - 20:26

~ .trouver une petite phrase a mettre ici, chanson check. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make.  she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is.

~ .trouver une petite phrase a mettre ici, chanson check. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is.

❝ she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. ❞

~ .trouver une petite phrase a mettre ici, chanson check. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is.

~ .it's never the girl’s fault, even when it's the girl’s fault. no one ever explained that to you ?. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way.  she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world.

~ .trouver une petite phrase a mettre ici, chanson check. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make.

~ .trouver une petite phrase a mettre ici, chanson check. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is. she hails from her world. she hates the sound that goodbyes make. she loves sundays and champagne. she can't stand the winter, she can't stand anything she can't change, she is whatever she wants to be, she is a little of everything, mixed up, so tough in a beautiful way. she's got the world at her fingertips, she makes beauty look effortless and i want everything she is.

Dernière édition par Ridley Ioànnis-Hathaway le Ven 11 Juil - 3:36, édité 8 fois
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyJeu 10 Juil - 20:35

Selon le caractère de ta brune je pourrais t'en proposer un avec ma Dylan ou mon double maléfique, avec Candice she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 432958 On peut voir ça par MP si tu veux she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 1451074250

Bienvenue parmi nous aussi I love you
Bon courage pour ta fiche she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 2176505670
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyJeu 10 Juil - 20:45

Oh ce serait avec plaisir I love you oh bin pour le caractère, je les pas encore bien définit mais ce serait plus une chieuse au grand coeur et tout ce qui s'en suit, une casse cou un peu perdue dans son monde :sifle:

merci beaucoup.  she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 57717 she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 813673 
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Katerina M. Lehtonen
Katerina M. Lehtonen
Empire State of Mind
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
▌INSCRIT LE : 15/04/2012
▌MESSAGES : 6549
▌ADRESSE : 5614 Dodgewood Road #404, Bronx. avec un enfoiré & un tatoué.
▌CÉLÉBRITÉ : Demetria Devonne Lovato.
▌SMALL IDENTITY PHOTO : she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Tumblr_n2i3px9uA21qc8ngyo1_250

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyJeu 10 Juil - 20:47

faut pas fricoter avec Candice, c'est le mal incarné she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 3014

Bienvenue chez nous she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 1451074250 je ne connais pas la demoiselle mais elle est soooooo cute !
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyJeu 10 Juil - 21:12

Bienvenue !  she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 716439 she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 886471 
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyJeu 10 Juil - 21:13

Bienvenue parmi nous I love you
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyJeu 10 Juil - 21:19

Bienvenuuuue  Laughing 
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyJeu 10 Juil - 21:33

merci beaucoup tout le monde. I love you
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyJeu 10 Juil - 21:53

Bienvenue I love you
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Ana M. Fitzherbert
Ana M. Fitzherbert
Empire State of Mind
i'll be the best or nothing at all.
i'll be the best or nothing at all.
▌INSCRIT LE : 31/05/2014
▌MESSAGES : 1151
▌ADRESSE : 2515 lexington avenue, #303, manhattan, avec alice.
▌CÉLÉBRITÉ : lea michele sarfati.
▌SMALL IDENTITY PHOTO : she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Tumblr_nbfhak9FeV1txg2wxo8_r1_250

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyJeu 10 Juil - 21:54

pour le côté grec, ça collera avec un membre des errington, c'est certain she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 432958
bienvenu parmi nous I love you
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyJeu 10 Juil - 22:04

Bienvenue I love you trop choute Maia she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 57717
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyJeu 10 Juil - 22:10

Bienvenue sur le forum she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 1451074250
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyJeu 10 Juil - 22:42

Bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche. I love you
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyVen 11 Juil - 0:11

    bienvenue parmi nous she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 1451074250 
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyVen 11 Juil - 2:14

Bienvenue! Maia est un excellent choix!  she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 57717 she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 57717 J'ai regardé le dernier épisode de The Fosters tout à l'heure et je me disais justement qu'elle n'était pas assez souvent prise sur les forums  she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 432958 Je veuuuuux un lien! En plus ta fiche promet d'être intéressante!  she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 370479 
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyVen 11 Juil - 3:40

rouuur, merci tout le monde.  she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 57717 
avec plaisir pour le lien dimitri  she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 980580023 she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 980580023 she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 1451074250 ( ouais, d'ailleurs, j'ai peut-être vu un peu trop mais bon  she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 2758141441  )
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyVen 11 Juil - 3:57

Mais non, voyons! On ne voit jamais trop grand  she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 432958 Je plussois ce qui a été dit plus haut, si elle est grecque elle va bien s'entendre avec les Errington  Cool 
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyVen 11 Juil - 9:38

Bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche.
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyVen 11 Juil - 11:51

maia est vraiment chou :laura:
bienvenue parmi nous, et bon courage pour ta fiche she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 1451074250
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyVen 11 Juil - 16:14

merci beaucoup I love you
ahah, ça risque d'être intéressant alors.  she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 57717 
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Leah M. Cox
Leah M. Cox
Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 1417369332-modogirl
▌INSCRIT LE : 01/09/2010
▌MESSAGES : 3034
▌ADRESSE : 1296 Kermit Place #204, Brooklyn
▌CÉLÉBRITÉ : KristenHOTStewart
▌SMALL IDENTITY PHOTO : she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Tumblr_mhlwweHTHn1s4040oo1_500

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptySam 12 Juil - 11:13

Bienvenue sur NYCL Smile
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Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyDim 13 Juil - 15:57

LE TITRE DE TA FICHE she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 356278 she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 356278 she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 356278 john green ftw Agathechills bienvenuuue :laura:
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Elsa J. Shadow
Elsa J. Shadow
Empire State of Mind
◊ It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life
◊ It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life
▌INSCRIT LE : 05/07/2013
▌MESSAGES : 1980
▌ADRESSE : 5200 blackstone avenue #202, The Bronx
▌CÉLÉBRITÉ : Amanda Michelle Seyfried
▌SMALL IDENTITY PHOTO : she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Tumblr_mxluf66wGG1s7sj75o1_250

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) EmptyDim 13 Juil - 19:35

ça serait pas plutôt un rebienvenue ? she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) 855648211
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Contenu sponsorisé
Empire State of Mind

she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih) Empty

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she loved mysteries so much that she became one. (rih)

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