
You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown

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Empire State of Mind

You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 EmptyJeu 3 Jan - 17:06

Hellow !! You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 491824

Bonne année.

Bienvenue parmi nous.
J’espère que tu te plairas ici. Very Happy

Bon choix d'avatar !!!!

Bonne continuation pour ta fiche.

En espérant te voir bientôt. You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 281887
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Empire State of Mind

You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 EmptyJeu 3 Jan - 18:25

Bienvenue !
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Empire State of Mind

You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 EmptySam 5 Jan - 12:55

bienvenue Very Happy
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Empire State of Mind

You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 EmptySam 5 Jan - 15:38

Bienvenue par ici I love you
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Empire State of Mind

You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 EmptySam 5 Jan - 23:33

Bienvenue You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 1451074250
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Empire State of Mind

You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 EmptyMar 8 Jan - 3:04

Tes gifs I love you I love you
Bienvenue !
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Empire State of Mind

You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 EmptyMar 8 Jan - 15:58

Bienvenue sur le forum ! =D
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Empire State of Mind

You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 EmptyMer 9 Jan - 13:35

j'ai validé ton code du règlement, bon courage pour ta fiche. You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 152426858
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Empire State of Mind

You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 EmptyVen 11 Jan - 18:59

Bienvenue parmi nous et bonne chance pour la fin de ta fichounette You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 524608
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Empire State of Mind

You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 EmptyDim 13 Jan - 13:56

En vue de la date à laquelle tu as posté ta fiche, tu as donc une semaine pour la terminer avant que ton compte ne soit supprimé. Tu es un membre en danger.
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Empire State of Mind

You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown - Page 2 Empty

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You are the sunrise, the love of my life ♦ Althea G. Brown

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