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She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY

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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptySam 4 Mai - 20:25

Wendy Keilana ALVAQUEZ

19 ans → Né(e) à Hawaii le 15/03/1994 → Étudiante en communications
célibataire → hétérosexuelle → membre des Rebels.

And who am i ?

★Quelles sont tes caractéristiques?
→ Humeur changeante, apparence changeante ! En effet, malgré ses médicaments contre sa bipolarité (et ses crises d'anxiété), il arrive souvent à Wendy d'avoir de bonnes journées et de moins bonnes. Lors de ses bonnes journées, elle prend soin de son apparence. Elle aime boucler sa longue crinière d'or, porter des vêtements féminins comme des confortables pour danser. Elle se maquille parfois, sinon elle reste au naturel. Lors de ses mauvaises journées, elle porte les premiers vêtements qu'elle voit (ce qui fait qu'ils ne vont pas toujours ensemble), a de grosses cernes sous les yeux, bref, on dirait un fantôme ! Wendy est allergique aux poissons et cela peut être mortel pour elle, alors elle fait son possible pour éviter tout contact avec cet aliment.

★Quel est le caractère de ton personnage?
→ Wendy est une jeune femme très énergique, impossible pour elle de passer une minute assise ! C'est grâce à son hyperactivité qu'elle garde une taille d'abeille, puisque derrière ce petit visage coquet se cache un ogre affamé. UC

Well... It's my story...

Veuillez écrire ici l'histoire de votre personnage. 30 Lignes minimum.

my little secret

★Ton prénom ou ton pseudo & ton age → Val, 15 ans.
★Comment es-tu arrivé(e) ici ? → Mes soeurs me l'ont montré :brigitte:
★Ce personnage est-il un double compte ? → Non
★Présence sur le forum → 4/7
★Personnage inventé ou scénario ? → Personnage inventé
★Crédit images → Bazzart I love you

Mon exemple de RolePlay:
Le code règlement:

Dernière édition par Wendy K. Alvaquez le Dim 12 Mai - 4:37, édité 9 fois
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptySam 4 Mai - 20:28

Bienvenue parmi nous bounce
Bon courage pour ta fiche She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 2176505670
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptySam 4 Mai - 20:29

Bienvenue sur le forum, bonne fiche à toi! (très bon choix de célébrité au passage!) ♥
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Katerina M. Lehtonen
Katerina M. Lehtonen
Empire State of Mind
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
▌INSCRIT LE : 15/04/2012
▌MESSAGES : 6549
▌ADRESSE : 5614 Dodgewood Road #404, Bronx. avec un enfoiré & un tatoué.
▌CÉLÉBRITÉ : Demetria Devonne Lovato.
▌SMALL IDENTITY PHOTO : She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Tumblr_n2i3px9uA21qc8ngyo1_250

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptySam 4 Mai - 20:35

ask her if she wants to stay a while She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 57717

Bienvenue chez nous I love you Il faudrait que tu mettes ton pseudo sous la forme Prénom I. Nom s'il te plait.
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Tulisa A. Errington
Tulisa A. Errington
Empire State of Mind
once, twice, three times a lady
∞ once, twice, three times a lady
▌INSCRIT LE : 09/01/2013
▌MESSAGES : 11668
▌ADRESSE : 1556 Ocean Parkway #402, Brooklyn avec baby Raphaël <3
▌CÉLÉBRITÉ : Sophia Anna Bush
▌SMALL IDENTITY PHOTO : She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY MT6Z29B

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptySam 4 Mai - 20:43

bienvenue She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 57717
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptySam 4 Mai - 20:45

Merci tout le monde, je vous aime ! She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 14619
J'ai modifié mon prénom She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 917579
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptySam 4 Mai - 20:57

Je connais pas cette fille mais She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 356278 She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 928884
Bienvenue parmi nous, j'espère que tu te plairas sur le forum She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 57717
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptySam 4 Mai - 20:58

Bienvenue parmi nous She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 57717
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptySam 4 Mai - 21:00

    Bienvenuuue parmi nous She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 1451074250
    Bon courage pour ta fiche Wink

Dernière édition par Lorella A. Garibaldi le Sam 4 Mai - 21:54, édité 1 fois
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptySam 4 Mai - 21:08

Bienvenue sur le forum et bonne chance pour ta fiche I love you
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Sebastian E. Black
Sebastian E. Black
Empire State of Mind
a lion still has claws.
a lion still has claws.
▌INSCRIT LE : 13/04/2013
▌MESSAGES : 3652
▌ADRESSE : 2515 lexington avenue, #202, manhattan, avec le boyfriend.
▌CÉLÉBRITÉ : robert downey jr.
▌SMALL IDENTITY PHOTO : She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Tumblr_lpxlgk06gv1qi0wwwo1_500

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptySam 4 Mai - 21:52

Bienvenue & bonne chance pour ta fiche She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 1414754481
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptySam 4 Mai - 22:01

Mouahahaha, sœur faible :10:
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptySam 4 Mai - 22:19

Bienvenue parmi nous She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 1451074250
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptySam 4 Mai - 22:25

Nathanaël: cependant moi je connais ton vava et She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 57717 She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 928884 merci She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 2176505670
Ailynn, Lorella, Orlane, Eduardo et Camelia : merci She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 1451074250 vos avatars crazy love
Alex-Marly (ou le tyran): She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 2496382268
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptySam 4 Mai - 23:21

Bienvenue bounce She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 917579
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptyDim 5 Mai - 0:39

Bienvenue parmi nous et courage pour ta fiche ! She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 61499
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptyDim 5 Mai - 1:44

Bienvenue ici She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 1640180530 je kiffe le prénom de ton perso.
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptyDim 5 Mai - 2:29

bienvenue She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 716439
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptyDim 5 Mai - 10:46

Bienvenuuuuuuuuuuue She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 57717
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptyDim 5 Mai - 14:40

Bienvenue sur le forum et bonne chance pour ta fiche. She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 14619
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptyDim 5 Mai - 18:22

bienvenue She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 57717
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptyDim 5 Mai - 18:39

Bienvenue parmi nous. I love you
Ton ip indique un autre compte, c'est normal ? *-*
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptyLun 6 Mai - 10:00

Chachi She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 356278

Bienvenue !
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptyMar 7 Mai - 2:21

merci tout le monde :brigitte: I love you She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 886471 She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY 524608

Julia : oui, mes deux autres soeurs sont incrites sur le forum ! Very Happy
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Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY EmptyVen 10 Mai - 1:45

Bienvenue sur NYCL!
Bonne chance pour ta présentation et amuse-toi bien avec ce personnage! Smile

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Contenu sponsorisé
Empire State of Mind

She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty
MessageSujet: Re: She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY Empty

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She tells me she wants to be a raindrop. She doesn't mind falling, as long as she's not alone∞ WENDY

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