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cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way

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Empire State of Mind

cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 EmptyMar 18 Fév - 22:28

bienvenue ici & bon courage pour ta fiche cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 14619
si tu as des questions n'hésite surtout pas I love you
si tu veux commencer à discuter avec les membres tu peux toujours venir flooder dans cette partie ou bien te rendre sur la chatbox. cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 1451074250
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Empire State of Mind

cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 EmptyMar 18 Fév - 23:52

Merci tout le monde cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 57717
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Empire State of Mind

cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 EmptyMer 19 Fév - 20:43

Quel joli bout de femme cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 716439

Je te souhaite la bienvenue sur le forum cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 682346
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Leah M. Cox
Leah M. Cox
Empire State of Mind

cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 1417369332-modogirl
▌INSCRIT LE : 01/09/2010
▌MESSAGES : 3034
▌ADRESSE : 1296 Kermit Place #204, Brooklyn
▌CÉLÉBRITÉ : KristenHOTStewart
▌SMALL IDENTITY PHOTO : cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 Tumblr_mhlwweHTHn1s4040oo1_500

cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 EmptyVen 21 Fév - 15:32

Bienvenue sur NYCL cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 4027145007
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Empire State of Mind

cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 EmptyVen 21 Fév - 18:34

coucou I love you

Avant de pouvoir te valider, il faudrait l'avis de Morgan. cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 57717 N'hésites pas à le mpotter pour qu'il passe dans ta fiche. I love you

Ensuite, c'est quelques broutilles, mais j'aimerais que tu ajoutes un icon représentant ton personnage dans le bas de ta fiche et aussi modifier une phrase.

Citation :
J'étais en pleines réinscriptions pour ma dernière année lorsque mon téléphone sonna pour m'annoncer la mort de ma mère, le seul membre de ma famille qui me restait jusque là. Un hold-up qui a mal tourné à son travail à ce que j'ai compris.

Ce n'est pas plutôt son père? À moins que j'aie mal compris en lisant ta fiche. cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 2673540547

Bref, merci de reposter dans les fiches terminées lorsque tu auras l'avis de Morgan et que tu auras modifié ce que je t'ai demandé. I love you
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Empire State of Mind

cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 EmptyVen 21 Fév - 18:36

Tout est nickel pour moi cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 1451074250 hâte de commencer à rp I love you
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Empire State of Mind

cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 EmptyVen 21 Fév - 18:38

En fait oui, apparemment je me suis mal faite comprendre mais son père est parti habiter New York quand elle était petite et c'est bien sa mère qui s'est fait tuer Arrow Je corrige mon icon de ce pas et pas besoin d'appeler Morgan il est déjà là cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 57717
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Empire State of Mind

cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 EmptyVen 21 Fév - 18:47

Elle a vraiment pas de chance sa mère alors. XD cancer, puis se faire assassiner. cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 3391062815

Bref, Arrow

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cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 Hp-balloons-icon
Have Fun !

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Empire State of Mind

cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way - Page 2 Empty

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cillian + life isn't that bad, humans make it that way

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